New Clips from theCapitolTour.PN!

Earlier today we posted about the re-launch of The Capitol Tour. It turns out that aside from being pretty and informative on all things Hunger Games, there are some movie clips available there, too!

You can play around the site for the clips or, if you still can’t find them, our friend Code has provided us with the links. Check out these scenes, available on

The Capitol Tour Re-Launches

Remember back in January when The Capitol Tour launched? We weren’t really sure what it was all about at the time, but now it’s back and prettier than ever!

If you click on the “Guide” link on the bottom left-hand corner you can scroll through different links to learn more about the Hunger Games, including reviews for the film, character profiles, and links to purchase merchandise. Yet another great way to tide you over until the movie’s out.

Check it all out at

New Hunger Games Website : Capitol Tour! has just announced a new site – Capitol Tour.  If you have already registered at, then all you have to do is log in and you will get yourself pre-registered for a virtual tour of the Capitol.  Exciting stuff!

Check it out here!